Humanity and nature are not separate – we must see them as one to fix the climate crisis
教育におけるSense of wonder and connectionについてのSensory development、の重要性にもすごく共感。
あと、”strongly influenced by Mahayana Buddhism, Bhutan has enshrined ecological resilience into its constitution”って知らなかった。ブータンに詳しい方いたら教えてください。
discussion around the Anthropocene is actually controversial beyond disciplines especially after popularized by E.Stoemer and P. Crutzen, and I like the perspective in this article that views it as a threshold toward the post-human-centered concept, such as Timothy Morton and Bruno Latour.
#Anthropocene #人新世 #TimothyMorton #BrunoLatour #ecology #OOO#MahayanaBuddhism
Scholars such as Timothy Morton and Bruno Latour remind us that viewing the natural world as separated from humans is not only ethically problematic but empirically false. Microorganisms in our gut aid digestion, while others compose part of our skin. Pollinators such as bees and wasps help produce the food we eat, while photosynthetic organisms such as trees and phytoplankton provide the oxygen that we need in order to live, in turn taking up the carbon dioxide we expel.
Eastern philosophies and religions such as Zen Buddhism also entangle humanity and nature, emphasising that there is no such thing as an independent self and that all things depend on others for their existence and well-being. For example, strongly influenced by Mahayana Buddhism, Bhutan has enshrined ecological resilience into its constitution. Mandating that at least 60% of the nation remain forested, the country is one of just two in the world to absorb more carbon than it emits. It measures progress not by GDP but against a “gross national happiness” index, which prioritises human and ecological well-being over boundless economic growth.
Of course, entanglement with nature exists in the Western world too. But the global socioeconomic systems birthed by this region were founded on the exploitation of the natural world for profit. Transforming these entrenched ways of working is no easy feat.
However, to bring about widespread fundamental change in worldviews, we need to start young. Practices such as nature journaling in early primary school – in which children record their experiences of the natural world in written and art form – can cultivate wonder at and connection to the natural world.
#Anthropocene #人新世 #TimothyMorton #BrunoLatour #ecology #OOO#MahayanaBuddhism